
Teaching assistant for undergraduate students

Undergraduate course, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Department of Physics, 2017

During my PhD, I served as a teaching assistant to Oliver Piattella for his Special Relativity course. The lectures were for undergraduates in their second year. I helped with the preparation of exercises and carefully explained the students how to solve them.

Teaching assistant for graduate students

Graduate course, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Department of Physics, 2017

I was also a teaching assistant for three graduate students courses during my PhD. I prepared exercises and explained their solutions in a course of Quantum Mechanics administered by Júlio César Fabris. The course was for Master’s students. I also wrote lectures notes of two courses aimed at graduate students. The first set of notes was about quantum aspects of black holes, administered by Marc Casal. The second was about the \(3+1\) separation of General Relativity, administered by my supervisor Nelson Pinto-Neto.